Thursday, February 2, 2017

On and on

1st February, towards Palencia

All slept quite well on king size bed. My Gibby snuggled up close which is very unusual and actually quite nice.

Went to last nights cafe again for brekka, wifi, and french stick, and then off. Tomtom took us south but every 5 mikes there was a toll booth asking for €3 to €5 euros a time. Enough!!

I finally found the off button on the Tomtom relating to toll roads. So no more empty roads and empty purses. We are rolling along nicely while concentrating on a massive Truck ahead and miss the ........turning. Most of the large towns out here all have various Spaghetti junctions at every turn, so we are travelling along a high speed dual carriageway in the wrong direction and then there is a toll booth. Lots os Spanglais, but we have to pay to go through. Round the roundabout and back to the same set of toll booths where i show the ticket chappie the receipt of 1.5 minutes earlier. Shoulders are shrugged and with more euros paid we are travelling back to San Sebastian? Grrrr.

The nice thing about travelling 180 miles on the toll roads is that you know you will drive them in 2 hours, but on the non toll, it can be single carriageway with massive trucks doing 40 for miles. So, It was slow going and we decided to choose an Aire closer than planned in a place called Bandenas. It was ghastly. Water didn't work, no level ground and next to a large shed which seemed to house numerous noisy barking dogs. Which of course set ours off. Jc took the pups off for a walk whilst I investigates further but he returned quickly with the 'not staying here' look and off we went again. Gybo is now really not happy. She doesn't sleep whilst in transit and i think she was knackered.

Decide to go 10 miles odd down the road to the town of Palencia. After a little pallava we found the aire which has absolutely no services but is next door to a supermarket and has a nice place to walk the dogs nearby.

Gybo seems to have regained full strength and absolutely loved the walk, especially the hilly park. She took off and raced around it as if she was a puppy. Great to see.

Temperature has dropped again and i have dug out my hat and gloves for a trip to the supermarket for wine, lasagna and salad. Perfect.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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